HR Policy Association
In-Person Training

Managing a Union Workforce

Tuesday, September 24 2024 at 08:00 AM | Time Zone - America/New_York (GMT-04:00)
AMA Atlanta Executive Conference Center 1170 Peachtree Street, NE 3rd Floor, Atlanta, GA, 30309

Managing a Union Workforce


While the objective is the same, there are distinct differences between managing employees in a union-free environment and a unionized workplace. When the interests of rank-and-file employees are represented by a third party, a number of sensitive political, practical, and legal issues often arise that must be dealt with appropriately in order to accomplish the company’s objectives.


The course reviews the characteristics of each of the key constituencies and covers their motivations and agendas. Both the legal and practical issues involved in the company’s dealing with rank-and-file employees and union leadership are detailed. Significant attention is given to the impact of the contract, past practices, and other potential restrictions on management’s rights. 


Special emphasis is placed on the very important issue of how to deal with employee discipline in a union environment.


Find a detailed course agenda here.

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