
The Chief Human Resources Office role is a global role. Multinational corporations and their Senior HR Executives lead complex organizations, teams, and global HR strategies which need to transcend a myriad of legal, regulatory, and cultural boundaries.

HR Policy Association and the HR Policy Global premium package provide our members’ HR Teams with valuable support to help navigate the vast array of international human resources management issues globally. We focus on tracking key global employment law, global diversity, global workforce engagement, global remote work, and global cultural developments.

We aim to provide members with information on these important HR and Labor Relations issues in key global localities with a focus on the following regions.

  • Africa and the Middle East: Differing significantly from Western nations from a cultural and stability perspective, Africa and the Middle East present unique challenges and opportunities for multinational employers.

  • Canada - In partnership with the United States and Mexico, Canada plays a vital role in the North American market and the Western Hemisphere economy as whole for many global companies.

  • China, Japan, and Asia-Pacific: A fundamentally important part of the globe, the Asia-Pacific includes the major economies of China, Australia, Japan, Korea as well as others. Multinational employers need to stay current on international human resources management and global HR trends in this important area.

  • India: India serves a very important role for many multinational employers. HR Policy’s India program provides in depth analysis and insights into the issues impacting HR leaders in India.

  • The UK and European Union: Through our partnership with BEERG, HR Policy Global members get all the key updates and insights on employment, HR, and Labor issues for Europe.

  • Latin America: An emerging region of possibilities for multinational employers, the generally union-friendly region of the world, including Mexico and Brazil, provides another are where HR executives need to track the quickly changing labor and employment landscape.

HR Policy’s Global program combines our staff's vast expertise with unparalleled global programs and peer networking opportunities.

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