According to a New York Times article the formal dress shirt is making a comeback. The old school shirt which had seen “a decline in recent years, especially during the pandemic-driven shift to remote work, when formal attire gave way to casual comfort” According to the NYT:
... a resurgence may be underway, spurred by fashion trends and evolving consumer preferences. Nick Paget, senior men’s wear strategist at WGSN, highlights the emergence of “office-core” or “corp-core,” a style trend that has revived interest in the dress shirt as a fashion statement rather than a daily work uniform. Jim Moore, GQ’s creative director at large, echoed Paget’s observations about how attitudes toward dress shirts were evolving and said he had recently noticed point-collar dress shirts coming back into fashion.
Next things you know, ties to go with the dress shirts will also be back in fashion.
Tom wants to assure European members that “dress shirts” and ties will not be making a comeback at HR Policy Global/Europe meetings anytime soon. We have absolutely no intention of raising our standards from our current “rock and roll” approach. Serious discussions do not require uptight clothing. And 10-metre-long Donald Trump style (or branded) ties are definitely out.

Tom Hayes
Director of European Union and Global Labor Affairs, HR Policy Association
Contact Tom Hayes LinkedIn