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EU Parliament: What to expect over the coming term

The European Parliament is becoming a more influential player in law-making. We all see this when it comes to labour and employment laws and we can expect more new laws over the next five years.

Why it matters: The Parliament's proactive approach to proposing laws affects various areas concerning employment rights, including the European Works Council Directive and the "right to disconnect" and remote work. Li Andersson a Finnish MEP from the (far) Left grouping will likely become the EMPL committee chair when it meets on July 22.

What's next: The Parliament's initiatives during the next term are expected to extend beyond existing proposals, such as limitations on subcontracting and workplace laws on Artificial Intelligence. Expect efforts to include "social conditionality" in public sector procurement laws, as well as demands for a Directive on a "just transition" for green and digital transformations.

The bottom line: With the Parliament presenting its own legislative proposals, the Commission and the Council are compelled to respond, significantly changing the legislative process dynamics over the next five years.


Li Andersson MEP website (in English)

See last week’s story on “right to disconnect” and remote work

Social Democrat MEPs article calling for limit on length and depth of subcontracting in supply chains.

ETUC wants a “just transition” Directive

Published on:

Authors: Tom Hayes



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