HR Policy Global

Data Transfers: UK Lords call for information on EU/UK data transfers

A House of Lords committee has launched an inquiry into data adequacy and its implications for the UK-EU relationship. The committee will examine the current arrangement, potential challenges, and the impact of a negative data adequacy decision.

Why it matters: Maintaining data flows between the UK and the EU is crucial for businesses and the UK economy. This inquiry aims to assess the existing adequacy arrangement and address potential implications for data transfers.

The big picture: The inquiry seeks to understand the factors influencing data adequacy decisions and learn from other countries' experiences with the adequacy system.

What's next: Members should strongly consider making submissions to the House of Lords Committee on data adequacy and UK-EU data transfers.



The Committee’s inquiries will particularly focus on the following themes:

  • Assessment of the existing adequacy arrangement underpinning data flows between the UK and the European Union
  • Possible challenges to UK-EU data adequacy regime
  • Implications of a no or disrupted UK-EU data adequacy scenario

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Authors: Derek Mooney



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