Center On Executive Compensation

Quick Survey Results: Changes to Compensation...

Published on: February 12, 2021

Topics: ESG and Diversity & Inclusion, Executive Pay Plan Design

View results of the Center On Executive Compensation's annual member survey regarding changes to their compensation plans for the past year and the coming year. This year, we also sought data on whether changes were made directly in response to COVID-19 and if Diversity & Inclusion or ESG metrics were being added to plans. 

See full results and analysis here.

Thank you to all Center members who took the time to respond to this survey!


Quick Survey Results: COVID-19 Impacts 2020 & 2021
Executive Pay Plan Design

Quick Survey Results: COVID-19 Impacts 2020 & 2021

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ESG and Diversity & Inclusion

Center On Executive Compensation Comments to SEC On ESG Disclosures

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Executive Compensation Reimagined: Diversity & Inclusion Metrics in Incentive Design

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